'Below is a list of Crystals that might dissolve, crack, develop rust, or be otherwise damaged when exposed to water or other liquids. This list is not all-inclusive and many crystals not listed here may crack if exposed to hot water.'
Calcite (will dissolve)
Carnelian (salt water can cause fractures)
You dump water on a lava block - an easy way is to put the lava in a 1 block pit, and flood it with water from the surrounding area. This will destroy the lava and leave an obsidian block behind. Considering that obsidian is hard to mine, its better to use a bucket to take the lava, move it where you need to, and then water. Shop style selections obsidian 7-3/4-in x 9-in groutable water resistant peel and stick vinyl tile (0.3699-sq ft) in the vinyl tile section of Lowes.com. The average water content of obsidian is (0.3 wt%) where as crystalline rhyolite is water (Bakken Barbara., 1977). The low amount of water in comparison with rhyolite pumice indicates that the flow of obsidian must take place at the end stage of the. Obsidian (all forms can break from extreme liquid temperatures) Ulexite (will dissolve). Obsidian Crystal Intention for Protection: When working with Obsidian for protection, use the following crystal intention: “I am protected.” How to Use your Obsidian Crystal for Energetic Healing For deep energetic healing, create an Obsidian crystal program for yourself that includes wearing it, carrying it, and placing it in your space.
Galena (will rust)
Halite (will dissolve)
Hematite (can rust)
Labradorite (will dissolve)
Lepidolite (will flake apart)
Lodestone (will rust)
Malachite (can break in hot water)
Mica (will flake apart)
Obsidian Surge Rowing Machine
Moldavite (can break in hot water)
Muscovite (will flake apart)
Opals (can crack/ break)
Pearls (will lose luster and can break)
Pyrite (combined with water produces sulfuric acid)
Selenite (will dissolve)
Turquoise (will fade)
Obsidian (all forms can break from extreme liquid temperatures)
Ulexite ( will dissolve)
Potentially TOXIC or HARMFUL STONES for gem elixirs, gem waters, massage oils, handling, etc.
'I've been asked many times about whether a certain stone is safe for making conventional gem elixirs, gem waters, massage oils, or other internal or absorbent uses. While any stone can be potentially harmful for fumes, or dust, here is some information on stones that are known to be toxic in certain situations.
'While some of these minerals are micronutrients, such as copper which we need to survive, they can also be extremely toxic in larger amounts than required by the body.
What is my ip address for my router mac. 'Please be aware that this is a partial list, as I don't know all the possible toxicity information. Some I learned in college, from crystal experts, or from books. Before using any stone or crystal for elixirs or waters, you should personally make sure that it's safe by consulting a mineralogist, healthcare specialist, or other professional.
'Types of stones that are typically toxic to ingest are minerals/ metals containing copper, lead, arsenic, cadmium, aluminum, barium, mercury, zinc, or other poisonous / toxic substances. These substances are often what give a stone its characteristic coloring or shape. Great to look at, great to hold, but not great to put in the body. Where I have information on it, I've noted the toxic material that is or may be in the stone.'
Actinolite - asbestos
Adamite - zinc, copper
Amazonite - copper
Amber - toxic dust, fumes, possible trapped bacteria or virii, possible ingestive toxicity
Angelite - lead, sulphur
Anthophyllite - asbestos
Aragonite - sometimes contains lead
Atacamite - copper
Atlantisite - contains Serpentine (see below)
Auricalcite - zinc and copper
Azurite - copper
Boji-stones/Kansas Pop Rocks - may contain sulphur
Bronchantite - copper
Celestite aka Celestine - aluminum
Cerrusite - sulphur, molybdenum
Chalcantite (aka 'blue shit') - copper
Chalcopyrite (Peacock Stone, Peacock Ore) - copper and sulphur
Charoite - barium, strontium
Chrysacolla (Chrysocolla) - copper
Chrysotile - asbestos
Cinnabar - mercury, VERY TOXIC
Cobaltocalcite (Pink Cobalt Calcite) - cobalt
Conicalcite - copper
Copper - copper
Coral - organic, may contain bacteria as well as pollutants from toxic materials in the water it forms in
Chrysoprase - nickel
Crocidolite - asbestos
Cuprite - copper
Diopside - copper
Dioptase - copper
Eliat Stone - copper
Emerald - aluminum
Feldspar - aluminum
Fluorite - source of dangerous gas hydrofluoride
Garnet - aluminum
Gem Silica - copper
Galena/ Galenite - lead
Garnierite (Genthite, Falcondoite) - nickel
Hematite - iron
Hiddenite - aluminum
Howlite - boron, boron oxide, borate
Iolite - aluminum
Jade (Jadeite) - aluminum, iron
Jade (Nephrite) - aluminum, iron, titanium
Kambaba Jasper - cyanobacteria and possible cyanotoxins
Kansas Pop Rocks - may contain sulphur
Kunzite - aluminum
Kyanite - aluminum
Labradorite - aluminum
Lapis Lazuli - may contain copper, sulphur
Leopard (Skin) Jasper - iron
Marcasite (Markasite) - sulphur
Magnetite (Lodestone) - iron in large quantities
Malachite - copper
Merlinite - barite, iron
Meteorite - may contain many toxic substances
Mohawkite - copper, arsenic
Moldavite - aluminum
Molybdenum - molybdenum
Moonstone - may contain aluminum or other toxic substances
Mother of Pearl - organic, may contain bacteria as well as pollutants from toxic materials in the water it forms in
Ocean Jasper - iron
Opal - toxic dust for inhalation at least
Paraiba Blue Quartz - aluminum in the tourmaline component
Pearl - organic, may contain bacteria as well as pollutants from toxic materials in the water it forms in
Psiomelane - barium
Pyrite (Fool's Gold, Inca Gold) - sulphur
Quartz (all types) - toxic dust for inhalation
Realgar - sulfur, arsenic
Rhodocrosite (Rhodochrosite) - lead
Rose Quartz - iron / titanium
Ruby - aluminum
Sapphire - aluminum
Sepentine (fibrous type) - asbestos
Sodalite - aluminum
Spinel - may contain aluminum, zinc
Stibnite - lead, antimony
Smithsonite (Galmei, Zinc spar)- zinc, may contain copper
Spinel - aluminum
Spodumene (incl Kunzite, Hiddenite) - aluminum
Strawberry Quartz (natural) - hematite/iron inclusions
Stromatolite - cyanobacteria and possible cyanotoxins
Sulphur - sulphur
Sunstone - Aluminum
Tiger's Eye - asbestos
Topaz - aluminum
Tourmaline - aluminum
Tremolite - asbestos
Turquoise - copper
Unakite - aliminum/iron
Uranium - radioactive mineral
Vanadanite - lead
Variscite - aluminum
Wulfenite - lead, molybdenum
'I recommend avoiding and not making conventional gem elixirs, gem waters, massage oils, or other consumables with these stones. The guidelines below can help you and those you know stay safe.
'Do not make conventional, direct gemstone elixirs, gem waters, massage oils of any stone containing metal (lead, copper, etc.) Use an indirect method instead. FYI: Polished stones are less likely to allow elixirs, etc. to leach any potentially hazardous materials. Rough stones are most likely.
'In general, almost all blue and green stones, especially brightly colored ones, contain copper and/or arsenic and are potentially unsafe to use for conventional gem elixirs, etc. Shiny, metallic stones should be avoided. Don't handle stones containing arsenic, such as realgar, or mercury, such as cinnabar without protective gloves. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling them. These stones are extremely toxic.
'Do not eat, drink, or smoke while handling potentially toxic stones. Keep all potentially harmful stones (including small, bite-sized stones that aren't necessarily toxic but can cause choking hazards!) out of reach of children for safety.
'You may find contradictory information elsewhere as to the potential hazards of crystals. I recommend being cautious, though, and using indirect methods for making elixirs and other consumables unless you're absolutely certain of what you're doing. To be on the safe side, consider these stones, and any stones you don't know for sure about, to be toxic to eat, drink, or otherwise consume.'
From Healing Crystals
'This page contains geological data that cautions one when using certain types of crystals/minerals. While most in the metaphysical/spiritual community only speak of the higher purpose properties, common sense must be taken into consideration when using these on a physical level. This page is a cautionary measure on stones that may be harmful in certain situations or specific types of minerals (raw versus tumbled, Fibrous versus crystallized or mass) , whether it be in Elixirs or prolonged holding, bathing, touching to skin, etc.
'It is not meant to perpetuate fear or anxiety, but instead to educate and share our deep respect for the crystal and mineral kingdom. Most cautions on the list are geared toward internal use with a few being cautionary for external use. A good rule of thumb is to make sure you wash your hands after using any crystal/mineral. It keeps our mineral friends clean and is a great way to show respect to ourselves and our crystal/mineral family.
'Pay particular attention to the list when you are working with raw/natural specimens. I do not think tumbled stones, for the most part, would be harmful, with a few exceptions, such as Realgar.
'Before making any elixir or charging any water, it is a good idea to double check for any possible toxicity that may occur, if using several stones in combination, for elemental reactions between the stones. In fact, it would be best if each stone charges in its own container of water as opposed to putting four or five stones in the same container.
'If you have any doubt, simply place the crystal/stone around and outside of the container.'
Actinolite--Fibrous form is a type of asbestos. Not recommended for elixirs.
Adamite--Contains Arsenic (Arsenate) and trace amounts of copper which is toxic
Ajoite--Contains Aluminum, Copper
Alexandrite--Contains Aluminum
Amazonite--Trace amounts of Copper which is toxic
Amblygonite--Contains Aluminum
Obsidian In Witchcraft
Andaluscite--Contains Aluminum
Atacamite-- Contains poisonous/toxic Copper
Auricalcite-- Contains Zinc and Copper which is toxic Chief architect premier for mac.
Aventurine--Contains Aluminum
Axinite--Contains Aluminum, Iron
Azurite--Contains Copper, Toxic
Bastnaesite--The chemical makeup of Bastnaesite does contain toxic elements which can react when combined with water.
Beryl Group (Aquamarine, Goshenite, Heliodor, Morganite)--Contains Aluminum
Brazilianite--Contains Aluminum--not recommended to use in its raw form
Bronchantite--Copper Hydrated Sulphate, Toxic
Boji Stones (Kansas Pop Rocks, aka Concretin)--Contains Sulfur, Pyrite and/or Marcasite which is toxic (*also could be a fire hazard)
Chalcopyrite--AKA Peacock Ore contains copper and sulfur which can be toxic
Chrysoberyl--Contains Aluminum
Chrysocolla--Contains poisonous/toxic copper. Safe for handling but not for use in elixirs.
Cinnabar--Contains mercury which can be poisonous/toxic Wash hands after holding. Do not touch hands to eyes or mouth while holding.
Conichalcite--Contains poisonous/toxic copper
Covellite--Contains poisonous/toxic Copper
Crocoite--Contains poisonous/toxic levels of Chromium. Do not touch hands to eyes or mouth while holding. Do not ingest.
Cuprite--Contains poisonous/toxic copper. Wash hands after holding. Do not touch hands to eyes or mouth while holding.
Dalmatian Jasper--Contains Aluminum
Dioptase--Contains poisonous/toxic copper. Safe for handling but not for use in elixirs.
Dumortierite--Contains Aluminum
Emerald--Contains Aluminum
Epidote--Contains Aluminum
Feldspar Group--(Labradorite, Moonstone, Orthoclase, etc) Contains Aluminum
Galena--Contains high amounts of lead which can be poisonous
Garnet--(Spessartine, Uvarovite, Rhodolite,Hessonite) Contains Aluminum
Gem Silica-- Contains poisonous/toxic copper. Safe for handling but not for use in elixirs.
Halite--Unfit for elixir use--will dissolve in water
Hematite--Unfit for elixir use--will rust with prolonged exposure in liquid
Hiddenite (Spodumene)--Contains Aluminum
Idocrase--Contains Aluminum
Iolite--Contains Aluminum
Jadeite--Contains Aluminum and Iron
Kyanite--Contains Aluminum
Labradorite--Contains Aluminum
Lapis Lazuli-- Contains Sulfur and possible Pyrite inclusions which are poisonous
Lazulite--Contains Aluminum
Lazurite--Contains Aluminum, Sulfur
Lepidolite--Contains Aluminum
Magnetite-- Iron will rust, DO NOT use in elixirs or charging water
Malachite--Contains poisonous/toxic copper
Marcasite--Marcasite with time and exposure to oxygen, may form a white powdery substance/residue which is poisonous/toxic Sulfuric Acid.) If this occurs you should not wear next to the skin or touch. Not recommended for Elixirs.
Mica--Contains Aluminum
Moonstone--Contains Aluminum
Morganite--Contains Aluminum
Muscovite--Contains Aluminum
Orpiment--HIGHLY TOXIC levels of Arsenic. Wash hands after use, keep away from CHILDREN!! Do not put hands near eyes or mouth before washing hands.
Pargasite-- contains Aluminum so it is not recommended for elixirs or immersing in water to charge it.
Pietersite--Similar to Tiger's Eye. Fibrous form contains asbestos. Not recommended to use raw forms for elixirs.
Prehnite--Contains Aluminum
Psilomelane--Contains poisonous/toxic Barium
Pyrite--Pyrite may contain intermixed Marcasite. The Marcasite with time and exposure to oxygen, may form a white powdery substance/residue which is poisonous/toxic Sulfuric Acid.) If this occurs you should not wear next to the skin or touch. Not recommended for Elixirs.
Quantum stone/Quantum Quattro Silica--Contains poisonous/toxic copper
Realgar **--HIGHLY TOXIC levels of Arsenic. Wash hands after use, keep away from CHILDREN!! Do not put hands near eyes or mouth before washing hands.
Ruby--Contains Aluminum
Sapphire--Contains Aluminum
Scapolite--Contains Aluminum
Schorl--Contains Aluminum
Selenite--Unfit for internal ingestion--tiny shards may break off in water
Serpentine--Fibrous forms are asbestos. Wash hands after use. Not recommended in elixir preparation.
Smithsonite--Contains zinc and may contain copper (green Smithsonite) Safe for handling but may be Poisonous/toxic when used in elixirs.
Sodalite--Contains Aluminum
Spinel--Contains Aluminum
Spodumene-- Contains Aluminum
Staurolite--Contains Aluminum and Iron
Stibnite--Contains lead and antimony. Not recommended for elixirs.
Stilbite--Contains Aluminum
Sugilite--Contains Aluminum
Sulfur--Contains poisonous Sulfur
Sunstone--Contains Aluminum
Tanzanite--Gem variety of Zoisite. Zoisite contains Aluminum.
Tiger Eye--Fibrous form contains asbestos. Not recommended to use raw forms for elixirs.
Topaz--Contains Aluminum
Tourmaline--Contains Aluminum
Tremolite--Fibrous forms are asbestos. Not recommended for Elixirs. Wash hands after use.
Turquoise--Contains poisonous/toxic copper and Aluminum. Safe for handling but not for use in elixirs.
Ulexite-- Contains toxic Boron
Unakite--Contains Aluminum and may also contain Zirconium (Radioactive)
Vanadinite--Contains poisonous Vanadium
Variscite--Contains Aluminum
Vesuvianite--Contains Aluminum
Wavellite--Contains Aluminum
Wulfenite--Contains poisonous Lead & Molybdenum. Safe for handling but not for use in elixirs.
Zircon--Contain Zirconium, Radioactive
Zoisite--Contains Aluminum