Using Latex In R Markdown

  1. Latex In R Markdown Cheat Sheet
  2. Install Latex In R
  3. Using Latex In R Markdown
The frontmatter to an R Markdown document.

R Markdown, HTML and Latex. R Markdown is a program for making dynamic documents with R. An R Markdown document is written in markdown, an easy-to-write plain text format with the file extension.Rmd. It can contain chunks of embedded R code. It has a number of great features. R markdownis a particular kind of markdown document. Authors should be cautious about following formatting advice for other types of markdown when working on R markdown. The distinguishing feature of R markdownis that it cooperates with R. Like LATEX with Sweave, code chunks can be included. When the document is compiled, the code is executed in R.

You should consider no longer using LaTeX as a front-end for your manuscripts. Use a wrapper for LaTeX instead, like R Markdown.

I’ve discussed a previous move from LaTeX’ Beamer package to R Markdown, but was otherwise deferential to standard LaTeX for documents. However, LaTeX is ugly code. My manuscripts were also succumbing to “preamble creep”. My preambles kept getting bigger and messier with each successive manuscript. Standard LaTeX also can’t speak to R. A manuscript may require a careful and manual rewrite of the manuscript to better conform to the changes in the analysis.

I’ve started writing all my manuscripts now in R Markdown, which eliminates both markup (hence: “Markdown”) and allows me to better work with collaborators. In what follows, I discuss the properties of a template I wrote to render my PDFs and how LaTeX users could incorporate it into their own research workflow. I start with the YAML properties of my template and then discuss some basic Markdown syntax. I show what my Markdown academic manuscript template resembles in a full PDF thereafter. This PDF mirrors the post here but contains an extended discussion at the beginning of what R Markdown can do for issues of workflow. The PDF also contains examples how to execute R within the Markdown document. This type of “dynamic document” allows for the author to write the manuscript and reproduce the analysis in one fell swoop.

Flash download for mac os. You can find the example .Rmd file, the example PDF, and my academic manuscript template on my Github at this repository.

Getting Started with YAML

The lion’s share of a R Markdown document will be raw text, though the front matter may be the most important part of the document. R Markdown uses YAML for its metadata and the fields differ from what an author would use for a Beamer presentation. I provide a sample YAML metadata largely taken from this exact document and explain it below.

output: will tell R Markdown we want a PDF document rendered with LaTeX. Since we are adding a fair bit of custom options to this call, we specify pdf_document: on the next line (with, importantly, a two-space indent). We specify additional output-level options underneath it, each are indented with four spaces. citation_package: natbib tells R Markdown to use natbib to handle bibliographic citations.1 Thereafter, the next line (keep_tex: true) tells R Markdown to render a raw .tex file along with the PDF document. This is useful for both debugging and the publication stage, when the editorial team will ask for the raw .tex so that they could render it and later provide page proofs. The next line fig_caption: true tells R Markdown to make sure that whatever images are included in the document are treated as figures in which our caption in brackets in a Markdown call is treated as the caption in the figure. The next line (latex_engine: pdflatex) tells R Markdown to use pdflatex and not some other option like lualatex. For my template, I’m pretty sure this is mandatory.2

The next line (template: ..) tells R Markdown to use my custom LaTeX template.3 While I will own any errors in the code, I confess to “Frankensteining” this template from the default LaTeX template from Pandoc, Kieran Healy’s LaTeX template, and liberally using raw TeX from the Association for Computing Machinery’s (ACM) LaTeX template. I rather like that template since it resembles standard manuscripts when they are published in some of our more prominent journals. I will continue with a description of the YAML metadata in the next paragraph, though invite the curious reader to scroll to the end of the accompanying post to see the PDF this template produces.

The next fields get to the heart of the document itself. title: is, intuitively, the title of the manuscript. Do note that fields like title: do not have to be in quotation marks, but must be in quotation marks if the title of the document includes a colon. That said, the only reason to use a colon in an article title is if it is followed by a subtitle, hence the optional field (subtitle:). Notice I “comment out” the subtitle in the above example with a pound sign since this particular document does not have a subtitle. If thanks: is included and has an accompanying entry, the ensuing title of the document gets an asterisk and a footnote. This field is typically used to advise readers that the document is a working paper or is forthcoming in a journal.

The next field (author:) is a divergence from standard YAML, but I think it is useful. I will also confess to pilfering this idea from Kieran Healy’s template. Typically, multiple authors for a given document are separated by an and in this field. However, standard LaTeX then creates a tabular field separating multiple authors that is somewhat restrictive and not easy to override. As a result, I use this setup (again, taken from Kieran Healy) to sidestep the restrictive rendering of authors in the standard maketitle tag. After author:, enter - name: (no space before the dash) and fill in the field with the first author. On the next line, enter two spaces, followed by affiliation: and the institute or university affiliation of the first author.

Do notice this can be repeated for however many co-authors there are to a manuscript. The rendered PDF will enter each co-author in a new line in a manner similar to journals like American Journal of Political Science, American Political Science Review, or Journal of Politics.

The next two fields pertain to the frontmatter of a manuscript. They should also be intuitive for the reader. abstract should contain the abstract and keywords should contain some keywords that describe the research project. Both fields are optional, though are practically mandatory. Every manuscript requires an abstract and some journals—especially those published by Sage—request them with submitted manuscripts. My template also includes these keywords in the PDF’s metadata.

date comes standard with R Markdown and you can use it to enter the date of the most recent compile. Minecraft download for mac free download. I typically include the date of the last compile for a working paper in the thanks: field, so this field currently does not do anything in my Markdown-LaTeX manuscript template. I include it in my YAML as a legacy, basically.

The next items are optional and cosmetic. geometry: is a standard option in LaTeX. I set the margins at one inch, and you probably should too. fontfamily: is optional, but I use it to specify the Palatino font. The default option is Computer Modern Roman. fontsize: sets, intuitively, the font size. The default is 10-point, but I prefer 11-point. spacing: is an optional field. If it is set as “double”, the ensuing document is double-spaced. “single” is the only other valid entry for this field, though not including the entry in the YAML metadata amounts to singlespacing the document by default. Notice I have this “commented out” in the example code.

The final two options pertain to the bibliography. bibliography: specifies the location of the .bib file, so the author could make citations in the manuscript. biblio-style specifies the type of bibliography to use. You’ll typically set this as APSR. You could also specify the relative path of my Journal of Peace Research .bst file if you are submitting to that journal.

Getting Started with Markdown Syntax

Access for mac office 2011. There are a lot of cheatsheets and reference guides for Markdown (e.g. Adam Prichard, Assemble, Rstudio, Rstudio again, Scott Boms, Daring Fireball, among, I’m sure, several others). I encourage the reader to look at those, though I will retread these references here with a minimal working example below.

That’s honestly it. Markdown takes the chore of markup from your manuscript (hence: “Markdown”).

On that note, you could easily pass most LaTeX code through Markdown if you’re writing a LaTeX document. However, you don’t need to do this (unless you’re using the math environment) and probably shouldn’t anyway if you intend to share your document in HTML as well.

The Template in Action

This is what the template looks like in action. You can also find how to use R Markdown and knitr to run R code within your R Markdown document, allowing for dynamic report generation.

Refer to my Github and my template repository for future updates.

  1. R Markdown can use Pandoc’s native bibliography management system or even biblatex, but I’ve found that it chokes with some of the more advanced stuff I’ve done with my .bib file over the years. For example, I’ve been diligent about special characters (e.g. umlauts and acute accents) in author names in my .bib file, but Pandoc’s native citation system will choke on these characters in a .bib file. I effectively need natbib for my own projects. ↩

  2. The main reason I still use pdflatex (and most readers probably do as well) is because of LaTeX fonts. Unlike others, I find standard LaTeX fonts to be appealing. ↩

  3. Notice that the path is relative. The user can, if she wishes, install this in the default Pandoc directory. I don’t think this is necessary. Just be mindful of wherever the template is placed. Importantly, ~ is used in R to find the home directory (not necessarily the working directory). It is equivalent to saying /home/steve in Linux, or /Users/steve on a Mac, in my case. ↩

LaTeX is a document prepration system that is very powerful but can sometimes also be a bit confusing. Hence, some useful details are provided that should help R/exams users getting LaTeX installed and used effectively for preparing exams.


LaTeX is a software system for document preparation, see the corresponding Wikipedia page for an overview. The system encompasses various elements that are important to distinguish:

  • It uses a markup language that can be written in any simple text editor with commands structuring a document (title, sections, etc.), formatting text (italics, bold face, etc.), and providing a powerful mathematical notation.
  • Subsequently, a TeX engine can be used to process such a text file and produce an output document that can be viewed, printed, etc. The probably most commonly-used TeX engine is pdfTeX rendering LaTeX files into PDF documents.
  • TeX distributions ship collections of such TeX engines along with further utilities, macros, and fonts for processing LaTeX files. The most widely-used TeX distributions are TeX Live available on all major operating systems and MikTeX for Windows.


Latex In R Markdown Cheat Sheet

In general LaTeX it is very useful for professional typesetting, especially of scientific documents, and is the most widely-used markup language for mathematical notation. However, the complexity of the LaTeX markup language can also be confusing, especially for newcomers, and hence it can be easier to use other markup languages such as Markdown for many documents. But even when using Markdown as the main markup for a document, LaTeX may still be involved in producing an output document: either only for mathematical notation (e.g., in HTML output) and/or for rendering PDF output. In short, due to its power and flexibility LaTeX is used either explicitly or implicitly in the preparation of a lot of output documents.

Consequently, R/exams leverages LaTeX, mainly for three purposes:

  • As the main markup language for authoring exercises and formatting text in R/LaTeX (Rnw) format.
    However, this is optional and the R/Markdown (Rmd) format for authoring exercises is probably more widely used. See the First Steps tutorial for a side-by-side comparison.
  • As the markup language for mathematical notation.
    This is used in both Rnw and Rmd exercises and can be displayed in various ways. See the Mathematical Notation tutorial for some guidance, especially when rendering online exams.
  • As the engine for producing PDF output.
    This is also used for both Rnw and Rmd exercises, especially when using exams2pdf() for flexible, customizable PDF output and exams2nops() for standardized PDF output that can be automatically scanned and evaluated.


If you use R/exams for rendering exercises without mathematical notation into online exams then you likely do not need LaTeX at all (and can stop reading here).

If you only use mathematical notation but still only generate online HTML-based exams, especially for e-learning materials, then you need a bit of the markup language but do not actually need to install a TeX engine as part of a TeX distribution.

Install Latex In R

However, when you produce PDF output, be it from Rnw or Rmd exercises, then you need to install a TeX distribution with suitable TeX engines. In case of R/Markdown exercises in Rmd format, R/exams converts the Markdown markup to LaTeX behind the scenes (using the powerful pandoc document converter), before using a TeX engine to render the PDF output. The following comments should help you choose an appropriate way to install and interface a TeX distribution when working with R/exams.

The TeX distribution providing the TeX engine(s) can either be installed “as usual” on the system, e.g., by downloading MikTeX for Windows or installing TeX Live from a standard repository under Linux or OS X. Alternatively, the R package tinytex offers the possibility for installing a lightweight TeX distribution called “TinyTeX”, based on TeX Live. The latter option is particularly attractive for R/exams users that do not actually use LaTeX for other projects. This is due to a couple of reasons: Everything is handled through R; no special super user rights are needed for the installation; and the installation is minimal with additional style files etc. being installed automatically only if needed. To install the R package tinytex you just need

Use latex code in r markdown

or alternatively use the graphical user interface in RStudio etc. To install the TeX distribution “TinyTeX” you just need

Finally, even when you have installed a TeX distribution (other than TinyTeX) on your system (e.g., TeX Live or MikTeX), the R package tinytex may (or may not) still be useful for producing PDF exams. Three cases need to be distinguished.

  1. System LaTeX via tools::texi2dvi()
    When: The R package tinytex is not installed or when setting options(exams_tex = 'tools').
    Why: For R/exams users that also use LaTeX for other projects and do not need any further assistance and hence do not need to introduce another dependency in their code.

  2. System LaTeX via tinytex::latexmk()
    When: The R package tinytex is installed but not the TinyTeX distribution (and the exams_tex option is not set to 'tools').
    Why: This tries to resolve some dependencies automatically (e.g., additional style files). Also, it not only supports the 'pdflatex' engine but also 'xelatex' or 'lualatex' etc., which may be useful/necessary for handling certain fonts.

  3. TinyTeX via tinytex::latexmk()
    When: The R package tinytex is installed and tinytex::install_tinytex() was used to install the TinyTeX distribution (and the exams_tex option is not set to 'tools').
    Why: For users that do not use LaTeX outside of R as it is more lightweight and very easy to install/maintain.

Using Latex In R Markdown

Achim ZeileisTUTORIALS